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Observations of Heliacal phases of Luminaries, Planets and Stars

List of observations of helical phases made by people with the naked eye. The site is made by the authors of the online software for ancient, classical and three-dimensional astrology: Astramen.com - Filip Filipov and Hristo Georgiev according to the methodology for observation of heliacal phases of Rumen Kolev, described in his founding book: "The Babylonian Astrolabe. The Calendar of Creation", published in 2013 in the series: "State Archives of Assyria Studies" as volume XXII with project leader prof. Simo Parpola.

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Observer Datum start Datum end Location Coordinates, Elevation Cosmic object Phase, days observed Aparant Magnitude Minutes of observation First Best Last dAZ Standard Extinction Explanation Comment
Filip Filipov 13.04.2022 20:07:00 13.04.2022 20:40:00 Varna Sportna Zala 43°12'43" N 27°55'51 E 64 m Mercury EF2 -2.60 33.00 -4.2 / 6.75 -7.45 / 3.1 -9.85 / 0.85 3.90 -5 / 2.9 0.24 Observation of EF2 of Mercury, Varna Sportna Zala Mercury appeared for the first time in Varna on its day - Wednesday as Hermes - Vespers in a clear sky. It appeared at 20:07, approached around 20:15 and with powerful pulses of mostly white light and a few times in red light shone until 20:40 when it set
Elena Pencheva 11.04.2022 20:27:00 11.04.2022 20:32:00 Bulgaria,Sofia,Center 42° 42' 50" N ; 23° 17' 52" E ; 586 m Mercury EF0 -2.30 5.00 -5/3.5 -х/х -6/2.5 3.10 -5/3.3 0.22 Observation of EF of Mercury
Elena Pencheva 08.04.2022 06:22:00 08.04.2022 06:32:00 Bulgaria, Sofia, Center 42° 42' 50" N ; 23° 17' 52" E ; 586 m Jupiter MF0 -2.10 10.00 -7 / 2 -6 / 3 -4 / 4 23.70 -7 / 2 0.24 Observation of MF0 of Jupiter, Sofia Jupiter appeared with a faint flickering white light. The light did not stabilise until 6:32 when the object disappeared. Path: Mid - Ann
Elena Pencheva 24.12.2021 17:13:00 24.12.2021 17:23:00 Bulgaria, Buynovci vilage 42°52′6.69″ N; 25°53′35.75″ E; 503 m Mercury EF0 -2.10 10.00 -5/3 -6/2 -6/2 11.10 -7/2 0.20 Observation of EF of Mercury, Buynovci vilage
Elena Pencheva 19.10.2021 07:10:00 19.10.2021 07:19:00 Bulgaria,Sofia,Dragalevci 42° 37' 26" N ; 23° 18' 32" E ; 837 m Mercury MF0 -0.10 19.00 -7/8 -6/9 -5.5/9.2 4.60 -7/7.8 0.24 Observation of МF0 of Mercury Mercury appeared white with yellow highlights. At about 7.20 we observed a phenomenon - Zodiacal light - a curved ray along the line of the ecliptic with a mirror reflection. The phenomenon was observed for approximately 10 minutes, until 7.30
Elena Pencheva 09.07.2021 04:50:00 09.07.2021 05:00:00 Bulgaria, Krapets 43° 37' 22" N ; 28° 34' 20" E ; 5 m Mercury MF0 -0.80 10.00 -7.5/6 -7/6 -6/7 16.40 -7/5.6 0.22 Observation of MF of Mercury, Krapets
Elena Pencheva 21.04.2021 20:35:00 21.04.2021 20:40:00 Bulgaria, Kostinbrod 42° 50' 21" N ; 23° 12' 06" E ; 589 m Venus EF0 -3.90 5.00 -4/1.9 -х/х -4/1.7 3.50 -4/1.7 0.24 Observation of EF of Venus, Bulgaria, Kostinbrod
Elena Pencheva 15.08.2020 05:35:00 Bulgaria, Rila Mountain, Seven Rila Lakes - Molitven Vruh 42° 12' 28" N ; 23° 19' 37" E ; 2233 m Sirius MF0 -1.50 0.00 -7/3 -х/х -6/4 52.01 -7/2.35 0.20 Observation of MF1 of Sirius, Rila Mountain
Elena Pencheva 31.10.2019 05:58:00 31.10.2019 06:10:00 Bulgaria, Buynovci vilage 42°52′6.69″ N; 25°53′35.75″ E; 503 m Mars MF0 1.80 12.00 -10/8 -х/х -8/11 7.00 -9/9 0.24 Observation of MF0 of Mars, Buynovci vilage muddy
Elena Pencheva 26.09.2019 19:21:00 26.09.2019 19:25:00 Bulgaria, Moravica vilage 43° 09' 33" N ; 26° 07' 45" E ; 463 m Venus EF0 -3.90 4.00 -3/2 -х/х -4/1.6 10.40 -4/1.6 0.20 Observation of EF of Venus, Bulgaria
Elena Pencheva 08.08.2019 05:28:00 08.08.2019 05:45:00 Bulgaria, Buynovci vilage 42°52′6.69″ N; 25°53′35.75″ E; 503 m Mercury MF0 -0.20 17.00 -8/7 -7/8 -6/9 11.40 -7/8 0.22 Observation of MF1 of Mercury, Buynovci vilage without conditions for observation in the previous day
Elena Pencheva 02.02.2019 06:34:00 02.02.2019 06:40:00 Bulgaria,Sofia,Dragalevci 42° 37' 26" N ; 23° 18' 32" E ; 837 m Saturn MF0 0.60 6.00 -10/7 -х/х -9/6 23.60 -9/5.6 0.22 Observation of MF0 of Saturn Saturn appeared in the company of Venus and Jupiter, on the left Vega, above them Antares. Jupiter and Venus dominate
Elena Pencheva 16.08.2018 05:41:00 16.08.2018 05:59:00 Bulgaria, Buynovci vilage 42°52′6.69″ N; 25°53′35.75″ E; 503 m Sirius MF0 -1.47 18.00 -8/2 -6/4 -5/5 52.36 -7/2 0.20 Observation of MF0 of Sirius, Buynovci vilage Before stabilizing, Sirius danced on the clock for a few minutes, blinking pink, yellow, blue, and white, finally stabilizing in a diamond
Elena Pencheva 19.06.2018 21:07:00 19.06.2018 21:40:00 Bulgaria,Varna,Akchelar 43° 13' 23" N ; 27° 57' 50" E ; 141 m Mercury EF0 -2.00 33.00 -4/8 -7/3.5 -8.4/3 11.10 -7/2.1 0.24 Observation of EF of Mercury without conditions for observation in the previous day
Elena Pencheva 19.01.2018 06:40:00 19.01.2018 06:52:00 Bulgaria,Varna,Akchelar 43° 13' 23" N ; 27° 57' 50" E ; 141 m Saturn MF0 0.50 12.00 -10/6 -9/7 -8/7.5 20.03 -9/6.1 0.24 Observation of MF0 of Saturn, Varna
Elena Pencheva 13.11.2017 06:12:00 13.11.2017 06:25:00 Bulgaria,Varna,Akchelar 43° 13' 23" N ; 27° 57' 50" E ; 141 m Jupiter MF0 -1.70 13.00 -8.5/4 -8/4.5 -6/6 5.50 -7/4.9 0.24 Observation of MF1 of Jupiter, Varna
Elena Pencheva 12.11.2017 06:15:00 12.11.2017 06:23:00 Bulgaria,Varna,Akchelar 43° 13' 23" N ; 27° 57' 50" E ; 141 m Jupiter MF0 -1.70 8.00 -8/3.5 -х/х -7/4.5 5.50 -7/4.9 0.24 Observation of MF0 of Jupiter, Varna Jupiter appeared in conjunction with Venus, dominated by Mars
Elena Pencheva 08.09.2017 04:55:00 08.09.2017 05:07:00 Bulgaria,Varna,Rakitnika 43° 07' 23" N ; 27° 57' 42" E ; 34 m Mercury MF0 0.00 12.00 -9/6.5 -8/7 -7/8 7.10 -9/5.7 0.22 Observation of MF0 of Mercury, Varna
Elena Pencheva 17.08.2017 05:40:00 17.08.2017 05:48:00 Bulgaria, Rila Mountain, Seven Rila Lakes - Molitven Vruh 42° 12' 28" N ; 23° 19' 37" E ; 2233 m Sirius MF0 -1.47 8.00 -7/3 -х/х -х/х 51.56 -7/2 0.20 Wet weather.Sirius hid behind a loose cloud
Elena Pencheva 05.01.2017 06:43:00 05.01.2017 06:50:00 Bulgaria,Sofia,Center 42° 42' 50" N ; 23° 17' 52" E ; 586 m Saturn MF0 0.50 7.00 -10/6.5 -х/х -9/7 16.70 -9/6.2 0.24 Observation of MF0 of Saturn, Sofia
Elena Pencheva 15.08.2016 05:42:00 15.08.2016 05:55:00 Bulgaria, Buynovci vilage 42°52′6.69″ N; 25°53′35.75″ E; 503 m Sirius MF0 -1.50 13.00 -7/2 -6/3 -5/4 52.10 -7/2 0.20 Observation of MF0 of Sirius, Buynovci vilage
Elena Pencheva 13.09.2015 05:05:00 13.09.2015 05:21:00 Malta, Budgiba 35° 57' 27" N ; 14° 25' 27" E ; 8 m Jupiter MF0 -1.70 16.00 -8/4.5 7/5.5 -5/7 2.10 -7/5 0.24 Observation of MF0 of Jupiter, Malta
Elena Pencheva 23.08.2015 06:00:00 23.08.2015 06:05:00 Bulgaria,Varna,Akchelar 43° 13' 23" N ; 27° 57' 50" E ; 141 m Venus MF0 -4.10 5.00 -5/2 -х/х -4/2 12.20 -4/1.5 0.24 Observation of MF0 of Venus, Varna MF -2 Mars
Elena Pencheva 24.07.2013 04:52:00 24.07.2013 05:00:00 Bulgaria,Varna,Akchelar 43° 13' 23" N ; 27° 57' 50" E ; 141 m Mars MF0 1.60 8.00 -10/9 -9/10 15.00 -9/10 0.32 Observation of MF0 of Mars, Varna
Elena Pencheva 12.07.2013 04:56:00 12.07.2013 05:06:00 Bulgaria,Varna,Galata panoramic terrace 43° 10' 21" N ; 27° 55' 36" E ; 102 m Jupiter MF0 -1.90 10.00 -8/4 -7/4.5 -6/5 11.00 -7/3.5 0.32 Observation of MF0 of Jupiter, Varna
Rumen Kolev 15.06.2012 Bulgaria, Varna, Center 43° 12' 28" N ; 27° 54' 36" E ; 62 m Venus MF1 -3.90 5.00 -4.3 / 2.3 -x / x -2.5/4.5 19.00 -4 / 2.8 0.24 Observation of MF1 of Venus, Varna Center
Rumen Kolev 10.06.2012 Bulgaria,Varna, the Chaika 43°13'05" N 27°56'20" E 105 m Jupiter MF1 -2.00 20.00 -7.8 / 2.2 -x / x -5 / 5.6 17.00 -7 / 3.2 0.32 Observation of MF1 of Jupiter, Varna, the Chaika
Veselin Dochev 10.05.2011 Bulgaria, Ruse, Selo Obrazcov Chiflik 43°48'35" N 26°02'20" E 160 m Jupiter MF1 -2.10 4.00 -5.0 / 4.7 -x / x -4.2 / 5.4 23.00 -7 / 2.2 0.30 Observation of MF1 of Jupiter, Ruse, Selo Obrazcov Chiflik
Rumen Kolev 06.05.2011 Varna, Bulgaria, the Chaika 43°13'05" N 27°56'20" E 105 m Aldebaran EL0 0.85 17.00 -8.5/8.6 -x.x/x.x 9.6/7.3 18.00 -9/8.0 0.36 Observation of Aldebaran EL1
Filip Filipov 13.02.2010 17:50:00 13.02.2010 17:50:00 Bulgaria, Varna, Center 43° 12' 28" N ; 27° 54' 36" E ; 62 m Venus EF0 -3.90 0.20 -4.3 / 2.3 Spot Spot 5.00 -4 / 2.6 0.24 Spot observation of EF of Venus