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Observations of Heliacal phases of Luminaries, Planets and Stars

List of observations of helical phases made by people with the naked eye. The site is made by the authors of the online software for ancient, classical and three-dimensional astrology: Astramen.com - Filip Filipov and Hristo Georgiev according to the methodology for observation of heliacal phases of Rumen Kolev, described in his founding book: "The Babylonian Astrolabe. The Calendar of Creation", published in 2013 in the series: "State Archives of Assyria Studies" as volume XXII with project leader prof. Simo Parpola.

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Observer Datum start Datum end Location Coordinates, Elevation Cosmic object Phase, days observed Aparant Magnitude Minutes of observation First Best Last dAZ Standard Extinction Explanation Comment
Rumen Kolev 01.08.2002 USA, Seatlle, Queen Anne Hill 47° 38' 21" N; 122° 20' 49" W ; 107 m Alhena MF1 1.90 25.00 -12.6/4.2 -x/x -09.5/8.2 26.00 -9/8.8 -12/4.9 0.16 Observation of MF1 of Alhena, Seatlle - Queen Anne Hill
Rumen Kolev 01.08.2002 USA, Seatlle, Queen Anne Hill 47° 38' 21" N; 122° 20' 49" W ; 107 m Mintaka MF1 2.30 16.00 -11.2/4.5 -x/x -9.2/7.2 49.00 -9/7.5 -12/3.5 0.16 Observation of MF1 of Mintaka, Seatlle - Queen Anne Hill
Rumen Kolev 01.08.2002 USA, Seattle, Queen Anne Hill 47° 38' 21" N ; 122° 20' 49" W ; 107 m Alnilam MF1 1.70 12.00 -10.7 / 3.8 -x / x -9.2 / 5.8 49.00 -9 / 6.1 - 12 0.16 Observation of MF1 of Alnilam, Seatlle - Quenne Anne Hil
Rumen Kolev 01.08.2002 USA, Seattle, Queen Anne Hill 47° 38' 21" N ; 122° 20' 49" W ; 107 m Alnitak MF1 1.70 4.00 -09.7 / 3.8 -x / x -9.2 / 4.5 48.00 -9 / 4.8 - 12 0.16 Observation of MF1 of Alnitak, Seatlle - Quenne Anne Hil
Rumen Kolev 01.08.2002 04:57:00 01.08.2002 05:01:00 USA, Seattle, Queen Anne Hill 47° 38' 21" N ; 122° 20' 49" W ; 107 m Cursa MF1 2.80 4.00 -10.2/6.3 -x/x -9.7/6.9 56.00 -9/7.8 0.16 Observation of MF1 of Cursa, USA, Seatlle, Quenne Anne Hill
Rumen Kolev 01.08.2002 04:36:00 01.08.2002 05:20:00 USA, Seattle, Queen Anne Hill 47° 38' 21" N ; 122° 20' 49" W ; 107 m Tejat MF1 2.90 43.00 -14.3/8.7 -x/x -9.0/15.5 25.00 -9/15.6 0.16 Observation of MF1 of Tejat, USA, Seatlle, Quenne Anne Hill
Rumen Kolev 31.07.2002 USA, Seatlle, Queen Anne Hill 47° 38' 21" N; 122° 20' 49" W ; 107 m Mintaka MF0 2.30 0.00 -09.0/6.5 -x/x -x/x 48.00 -9/6.6 -12/2.5 0.16 Observation of MF0 of Mintaka, Seatlle - Queen Anne Hill
Rumen Kolev 25.07.2002 USA, Seattle, Magnolia 47° 38' 31" N; 122° 24' 51" W; 62 m Algieba EL1 2.20 12.00 -9.7/7.3 -x/x -11.2/5.4 22.00 -9/8.2 -12/4.3 0.16 Observation of EL1 of Algieba, Seatlle - Magnolial
Rumen Kolev 30.05.2002 USA, Seattle, Queen Anne Hill 47° 38' 21" N ; 122° 20' 49" W ; 107 m Mars EL0 1.70 0.00 -11.4/2.6 -x/x -x/x 16.00 -9/5.6 0.16 Observation of EL0 of Mars, Seatlle - Queen Anne Hill
Rumen Kolev 23.05.2002 USA, Seattle, Queen Anne Hill 47° 38' 21" N ; 122° 20' 49" W ; 107 m Mars EL1 1.70 0.00 -9.0/8.0 -x/x -x/x 17.00 -9/8.0 0.16 Observation of EL1 of Mars, Seatlle - Queen Anne Hill
Rumen Kolev 23.05.2002 USA, Seattle, Queen Anne Hill 47° 38' 21" N ; 122° 20' 49" W ; 107 m El Nath EL1 1.60 0.00 -09.6 / 7.5 -x / x -x / x 11.00 -9 / 8.3 - 12 0.20 Observation of EL1 of El Nath, Seatlle - Quenne Anne Hil
Rumen Kolev 16.05.2002 USA, Seattle, Magnolia 47° 38' 31" N ; 122° 24' 51" W ; 62 m Saturn EL1 0.10 17.00 -8.3/4.8 -x/x -10.4/2.3 14.00 -9/4.0 0.16 Observation of EL1 of Saturn, Seatlle - Magnolial
Rumen Kolev 06.05.2002 Seattle, the USA, Magnolia 47°38'31"N 122°24'51"W; 62 m Aldebaran EL0 0.85 9.00 -8,8/5,8 -x.x/x.x -10,0/4,4 19.00 5,6i 0.16 Observation of Aldebaran EL1
Rumen Kolev 15.02.2002 17:40:00 15.02.2002 17:58:00 USA, Seattle, Queen Anne Hill 47° 38' 21" N ; 122° 20' 49" W ; 107 m Venus EF1 -3.90 18.00 -2.4 / 3.8 -3.7 / 2.6 -5.3 / 1.0 5.00 -4 / 2.2 0.16 Observation of EF1 Venus, Seattle - Quenne Anne Hill
Rumen Kolev 13.11.2000 Bulgaria, Varna, Center 43° 12' 28" N ; 27° 54' 36" E ; 62 m Saturn AR1 -0.30 0.00 -7.5/2.0 -x/x -x/x 0.00 0.36 Observation of AR1 of Saturn, Varna - Center
Rumen Kolev 28.08.2000 Bulgaria, Varna, Center 43° 12' 28" N ; 27° 54' 36" E ; 62 m Mars MF0 1.80 0.00 -8.0/8.6 -x/x -x/x 6.00 -9/7.6 0.26 Observation of MF0 of Mars, Varna - Center Mars appeared very close to the Moon. Otherwise it would not have been seen.
Rumen Kolev 13.07.2000 20:53:00 13.07.2000 20:56:00 Bulgaria, Varna, Center 43° 12' 28" N ; 27° 54' 36" E ; 62 m Venus EF1 -3.90 3.00 -3.4 / 2.2 -x / x -3.9 / 1.8 7.00 -4 / 1.6 0.24 Observation of ЕF1 of Venus, Varna Center
Rumen Kolev 13.06.2000 Bulgaria, Varna, Center 43° 12' 28" N ; 27° 54' 36" E ; 62 m Saturn MF0 0.20 26.00 -9.6/3.4 -9.3/3.7 -6.0/7.9 25.00 -9/4.1 0.26 Observation of MF0 of Saturn, Varna Center Saturn appeared very close to Jupiter. Otherwise it would have appeared with greater AV.
Rumen Kolev 04.06.2000 Bulgaria, Varna, Center 43° 12' 28" N ; 27° 54' 36" E ; 62 m Jupiter MF1 -2.02 20.00 -7.0 / 2.3 -5.9 / 3.7 -4.1 / 5.7 17.00 -7 / 2.3 0.32 Observation of MF1 of Jupiter, Varna Center
Rumen Kolev 04.06.2000 Bulgaria, Varna, Center 43° 12' 28" N ; 27° 54' 36" E ; 62 m Jupiter MF1 -2.02 20.00 -7.0 / 2.3 -5.9 / 3.7 -4.1 / 5.7 17.00 -7 / 2.3 0.32 Observation of MF1 of Jupiter, Varna Center
Rumen Kolev 04.06.2000 Bulgaria, Varna, Center 43° 12' 28" N ; 27° 54' 36" E ; 62 m Jupiter MF1 -2.02 20.00 -7.0 / 2.3 -5.9 / 3.7 -4.1 / 5.7 17.00 -7 / 2.3 0.32 Observation of MF1 of Jupiter, Varna Center
Rumen Kolev 04.06.2000 Bulgaria, Varna, Center 43° 12' 28" N ; 27° 54' 36" E ; 62 m Jupiter MF1 -2.02 20.00 -7.0 / 2.3 -5.9 / 3.7 -4.1 / 5.7 17.00 -7 / 2.3 0.32 Observation of MF1 of Jupiter, Varna Center
Rumen Kolev 08.05.2000 Varna, Bulgaria, City Center 43°12'28" N 27°54'36" E 62 m Aldebaran EL0 0.85 0.00 -9.2/5.2 -x.x/x.x -x.x/x.x 17.00 -9.0/5.5 0.30 Observation of Aldebaran EL0
Rumen Kolev 06.05.2000 Varna, Bulgaria, City Center 43°12'28" N 27°54'36" E 62 m Aldebaran EL0 0.85 15.00 -8.7/7.6 -x.x/x.x -11.0/5.0 18.00 -9/7.3 0.30 Observation of Aldebaran EL1